About us

At Svarmi we have two big passions: Nature and Data.

We absolutely cringe at the thought of valuableData being lost in local folders and hard drives. Especially when it could be used to guide decisions on how to protect and restore Nature.

But Data can be hard to understand if not presented properly. This is why Svarmi has developed a platform that emphasizes easy visibility of data, which in turn makes understanding and cooperation easier across the organization and with external stakeholders. This platform is our flagship DATACT.    

More than half of the world's economic value generation is moderately or highly dependent on nature. So knowing your nature means knowing your capital. 

Today, stakeholders are demanding greater transparency into nature interaction, within organizations' own operations and across their value chains. This is evident in new standards such as the European Sustainability Reporting Standards and in the new TNFD Recommendations (Taskforce on Nature Related Financial Exclosure).




Svarmi continues to work with its clients, which include Global 500 companies, to make nature assessment and reporting more scalable, efficient and effective.


Svarmi begins working for major clients outside of Iceland including Eberhard (Switzerland) and the NorwegianRoad Administration.

Svarmi begins large scale nature monitoring projects with two global 500 companies - beverage multinationalAB-InBev and energy producer ENEL.

The Nature Positive Podcast is launched.


Svarmi continues work in local nature assessment and business development with companies outside of Iceland.


Kolbeinn Hilmarsson joins Svarmias CEO after having co-founded a nature-based solutions company. He places anemphasis on building upon Svarmi’s research and practical applications to helpclients measurenature and use quality data in target setting and sustainability reporting.


Svarmi takes on various research projects from estimating seaweed stocks before harvest to monitoring the extent of birch forests and the invasive species that impact them.


Svarmi takes on its first project, counting and estimating the stock of seal species on the coast of Iceland, marking the start of Svarmi's early investment in biodiversity monitoring.


Svarmi is founded by two friends pursuing their M.SC in Mechanical Engineering in Stockholm.

Tryggvi Stefansson, current CTO of Svarmi, continues the company alone, onboarding large Icelandic companies and expanding Svarmi's data and analytics capabilities.