
Meet the Team

Our leadership team

We are Svarmi

Silvia Garcia
Silvia Garcia

Silvia Garcia leads Svarmi’s operations, focusing on data collection, processing, analytics, and delivery. She has an M.Sc. in Environmental Science and has a strong background in using remote sensing technology to measure natural assets such as forests and animal habitats. She participates actively in further product development and is responsible for Svarmi’s sustainability strategy and monitoring program.

Dr. Snjólaug Ólafsdóttir
Dr. Snjólaug Ólafsdóttir

Dr. Snjólaug Ólafsdóttir is an Environmental Engineer (PhD), entrepreneur, and former head of the Climate Change and Sustainability Services department at EY, Iceland. She has diverse knowledge in setting sustainability strategies, double materiality analysis, target & KPI setting, as well as action plans. Her expertise covers a range of areas including climate change, human rights, sustainable procurement, circular economy, and biodiversity. 

At Svarmi, Snjólaug works closely with our customers to help them adapt to the changing requirements for sustainability information, in line with frameworks like the global Taskforce on Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and Science Based Target for Nature (SBTN).

Tryggvi Stefánsson
Tryggvi Stefánsson

Tryggvi Stefánsson, Svarmi´s CTO and founder, graduated from KTH Stockholm with an M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering. He founded Svarmi while at university and has led on the development of Svarmi's technology and vision from day one, including the development of Svarmi´s advanced software, algorithms, and hardware. Tryggvi is an aerospace and earth observation expert and has led multiple large international research and development projects on a variety of topics including on drones, automation, and earth observation.

Kolbeinn Hilmarsson
Kolbeinn Hilmarsson

Kolbeinn Hilmarsson, Svarmi´s CEO, began his career as a pilot and project manager within the commercial aviation industry. An early “enviropreneur”, he co-founded the leading nature-based carbon project developer in Iceland working against global standards in building land-based carbon credits from afforestation, reforestation & wetland, soil, and vegetation restoration. Kolbeinn has diverse knowledge across aerospace and space-tech business development, sustainability, and emerging frameworks for nature reporting. Kolbeinn also sits on the board of Festa, the Icelandic Center for Sustainability.